If you are looking to form a N.Y.S. Corporation or LLC: | |||||
We will form your corporation or LLC for FREE! * | |||||
We will obtain your business Federal ID number for FREE! | |||||
We will file your S-corp. elections for FREE! | |||||
We will register you for N.Y.S. sales tax for FREE! | |||||
That's right FREE…..NO CHARGE! |
Over 95% of our clients are start-up small businesses. By design, we have been servicing start-up companies since 1983. We have been filing the necessary forms since 1983. We offer our clients an open door unlimited consulting policy. We offer our clients unlimited support and training on QuickBooks accounting software.
Forming a company is the first step in getting off to the right start. That's the easy part of the process. The next step is finding the right CPA to assist and support you in setting up your bookkeeping and ensuring you stay compliant with your tax filing requirements. These days compliance is a huge responsibility for any new business. The registration process can cause your head to spin. We’ll take care of it for you.
You going to retain a CPA anyway. Why not take advantage of this free offer. Don't be foolish in thinking you can do it yourself. We have been doing this since 1984. Benefit from our many years of experience. Get it done right!
Clients that retain our services: | |||||
We offer an open door unlimited consulting policy to all our clients. | |||||
We offer unlimited support and training on QuickBooks. | |||||
We will prepare your Corp tax returns. | |||||
Sales tax filing. | |||||
1099's preparation. | |||||
Representation at audits. | |||||
Let us obtain your disability insurance. | |||||
Let us obtain your workers compensation insurance. | |||||
Let us advise you on a retirement plan. | |||||
Let us advise you on a college savings plan. | |||||
The list of services goes on. |
*This includes the corporate kit, LLC kit, certificate of incorporation, corporate seal and shareholder certificates. This does not include the N.Y.S. LLC publication related fees. This free offer is only available to clients forming a N.Y.S. company. You must retain our accounting services. Call for details.